6.8 Spc Ammunition

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Decoding Book Resurrects the Ancient Astronaut Theme

Several decades ago, books by insurance salesman Erich von Daniken caused an international sensation as he depicted photographs of large-stone edifices hard to believe built by primitive humans. His dreams of ancient astronauts, however, soon faded into oblivion as archeologists came up with proof that primitive humans could have constructed the pyramids and like structures without alien assistance. Nonetheless, the possibility of other types of evidence for ancient astronauts cannot be discarded.

Overtly a cryptography and deception Frangible Armor Piercing Ammo book, Morten St. George's Incantation of the Law Against Inept Critics: A Guide to Cryptic Thinking takes up the ancient astronaut gauntlet. But there's no stone here. Now, it's not a question of what the ancient astronauts did, but of what they left behind. Deception cryptography leads the way. The only known deployment of this unique form of cryptography is to be found in forty two prophetic stanzas published by Nostradamus in the 16th century. 308 Manufacturer Ammo was Nostradamus an alien? Hardly, but St. George's book asserts he was the last guardian of an alien artifact.

What's the evidence?

First, a breakthrough decoding of the forty two stanzas in which numerous contemporary events are not only accurately recounted but also systematically dated. St. George concludes there is no longer any doubt about whether or not the future was 5.56 Ammo It was, and likewise we are witnessing the powers of a super-civilization.

Second, the discovery that the forty two stanzas (perceived as a book of divine revelation) were secretly guarded, known to, and commented upon by a cabalistic sect during medieval times. St. George says these forty-two revelations predate Nostradamus by centuries, and now there is a "book of light" in the picture, not "light" like in "enlightenment" but literally composed of light, black fire on top of white fire. This describes the artifact that survived to reach Nostradamus.

Third, back to the prophecies, which come forth and tell us the name of their author and when they were written. According to St. George, they were written in the sixth century, a thousand years before the time of Nostradamus.

Why is there no record of alien arrival in the sixth century? St. George responded we are referring to creatures with two arm appendages and four fingers at the end of each, but other than that, they landed as helmeted Winchester 6.8SPC ammo and didn't remotely look like humans. He says it is a myth that intelligent aliens have to be hominoids, and it is likewise a myth that the only road to technology is the road taken by humans. "In the Dark Ages, these aquatics would have been stoned as demons in most places, and if there were any reference to them, religious censorship would have obliterated it."

Then, how do you know that they had four fingers? St. George replied, "I said they would have been stoned as demons in most places, not in all places. Archaeologists are far from perfect. They have no idea how to distinguish the drawing of an aquatic extraterrestrial from the drawing of a masked witchdoctor. Maybe some of them had suspicions but didn't speak out, fearing for their career or whatever. Extraterrestrial intelligence and civilizations more advanced than ours are terrifying concepts for segments of human society."

There are many unsolved mysteries in world history. Is this another one? St. George emphatically asserts: "No! These extraterrestrials were no fools. Besides who and when, the prophecies also tell us where, that is, where they came from." He says the prophecies provide data for a star 308 Manufacturer Ammo rising upwards from southern skies and for a planetary arrow moving outwards from the solar system, and where these arrows collide would be the point of contact.

Then there will be contact? St. George has no doubts about the matter: "Yes. .499 Cases unsophisticated astronomy can only provide approximate coordinates, but one day astronomers will work out the precise coordinates and point a radio telescope there, and there will be contact. To provide us with coordinates and not allow contact would be deceitful, and they have no reason to be deceitful on this. Else, why bother to interfere with us at all?"

By Gersiane De Brito with special thanks to Morten St. George and the http://www.crypticthinking.com website. Look for follow-up article called "Aliens: Where SETI Astronomers Can Find Them."

Gun In The House - What Every Head Of Household Should Know

The Supreme Court is about Custom Brass Cases decide whether to hear the case 6.8SPC Ammo D.C. v. Heller, a case about a Brass cases for 5.56 ban in Washington D.C. and an officer challenging the ban of his application for a weapon. This could have far-reaching effects on gun control policy nationwide.

For thirty-one years, the District of Columbia has banned handguns, but the nation's Capitol has still become the Murder Capital of the Country. What went wrong? Do gun bans work? Criminals still get guns while citizens can't.

Every head of household wants the best for loved ones, and sometimes the best information can help come to the smartest decisions. Where gun bans might come under question for a head of a household where the decision has been taken out of his/her hands, perhaps it's time to re-examine the question to take the situation in hand. Here is what the head of every household must know and weigh.

1. Police have no duty to protect individuals. Since the inception of an organized police force in the middle 1800's, protection of individuals has not been a duty of American Police. Constantly thrown out, dismissed or found against the plaintiff, courts have ruled as the Supreme Court did in 2005 in the case of Castle Rock v. Gonzales: no constitutional right to police protection. [See keyword: no constitutional right to police protection.] Most legislators do not know this, but attorneys, judges, police and gun owners know it.

2. Police understand that in fighting crime, the target is the first line of defense. For 6.8SPC Ammo personal aggression and crime to widespread disaster, you're on your own. Most violent crime is over in moments, and when seconds count, police are moments away. rifle ammunition and brass cases hours away. Individual citizens already have the legal authority to use up to lethal force when in the reasonable apprehension of grave danger, but are politically discouraged from acting. Gun bans obfuscate this authority to act, and boost the statistics of injured, murdered or abducted persons for political gain in gun ban states.

3. FBI sources [www.FBI.gov] show that in the United States for 2006, 10,177 persons were shot to death. But the same FBI source shows that armed citizens de-escalate violent crime more than 2.5 million times every year, each respective figure according to reports turned in to the FBI from law enforcement around the country. Compared to the 10,177 criminal shootings average every year, there are 2.5 million non-criminal defenses against which were never completed, thanks to an armed citizen, often without firing their personal weapon.

4. Gun ban states are in the minority. Forty states affirm concealed carry of handguns, and don't have the crime problems the major cities seem to see. There are more than 2 million concealed carry permits around, and 6.8SPC Ammo states do not require a permit to carry a concealed handgun within their borders.

5. Handgun training is conducted by Military, local police officers, NRA Licensed Instructors and FBI. Courses are readily available to the average citizen and at reasonable cost. Law enforcement and gun owners are not foes, but allies. The FBI reports about 1.23 million total criminal offenses nationwide. At more than 200 million guns in the hands of some 80 million adults, citizen gun owners are not the people committing the violent crimes in America. 2.5 million times every year, armed citizens are the people stopping the crimes from completion, often their own murder, rape or abduction.

Americans have the right and authority to self-defense, and the legal authority to come to the aid of another in the absence of first responders.

Gun bans hide citizen authority and frustrate self-defense when facing grave danger. This is in no way in the public interest.

John Longenecker is author of The Case For Nationwide Concealed Carry Of Handguns. His website is at http://www.GoodForTheCountry.com He is also Founder of the Good For The Country Foundation, a patriotic think tank identifying issues adverse to the public interest. See http://www.GoodForTheCountry.org